Colourful Ashburton views from 1895 – 1896

Not much background information is known about this item from the Ashburton Museum & Historical Society’s collection, other than what’s presented in plain sight. The photos on this page are taken from a large printed calendar, which seems to have either been funded or produced mainly by Mr. D. Thomas, who was an auctioneer and... Continue Reading →

Spreading the Word

As time went on, the world benefited from rapid advances in the typesetting and printing sectors – Ashburton included. In the early days of New Zealand’s European settlement, it was a sign of progress and advancement to have a local newspaper in your town – sometimes more than one!

The mysteries of joined up writing

Do children still learn how to ‘write’?  This is a question that the team here at Ashburton Museum have pondered for a while now. While it makes sense that children become familiar with a keyboard as soon as possible, I am a little concerned writing is becoming a lost skill. Last century, when I was... Continue Reading →

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